Courtney Lindsay

Meet Courtney.  

“You are in the trenches with these kids …, but to be the bright light in a kid’s life– that is amazing.” 

Courtney sat down to speak with her husband one night about an opportunity she had been considering and wanted to explore. She was happy to be able to contribute to a few local nonprofits but had always felt like something was missing; Courtney wanted to really see the difference she was making. 

She spoke with her husband that night about becoming a CASA Volunteer. She knew it would be a commitment, and her husband had already been so patient while she finished her M.B.A. He was more than receptive and supportive, knowing that Courtney found a path to helping others that she was truly passionate about. 

“My heart was leading me there… I wanted to become a part of an organization that you can make a difference.” 

Courtney comes from humble beginnings. Originally from a small town where there were more cows than people, Courtney learned how powerful stability was to families and individual growth. For her, if it had not been for the few people in her life that showed sincere effort and support, she knows she would not be where she is today.  

Courtney was aware of the need for CASA volunteers, as her previous role involving community engagement had her plugged in to 40-50 organizations. She had known about CASA for a while and was always interested in volunteering and making an acute, direct difference in a child’s life. After attending a CASA 101 session, she was hooked, and before long she was formally sworn-in by a judge on February 23, 2021. 

“I feel like anybody could do this. These children need a little bit of stability, and even though I’m not with them all the time, I can still provide some of that.” 

Courtney described how much she loves meeting with her kids, as she visits them several times a month. She mentioned how being a CASA for these kids fills a need to give back; her heart runs toward helping the underdogs of the world, for she knows her life could have been much different if not for the compassion she received growing up. 

The decision to become a CASA is not made lightly, and we may not be able to fully capture the exact reasons behind a volunteer’s benevolence. We do know, however, of our volunteers’ commitment and grace towards these kids. Children make up some of society’s most vulnerable populations, and children facing hardships that are in care are even more vulnerable. Having a CASA around like Courtney could be the difference in outcomes— but at the very least, a bright light in their life.